What is an Ambivert?

“Are you an extrovert or an introvert?”

For most people, the answer to this is quite simple. Maybe it’s because it’s in my nature to question just about everything, that for years I found this question tough to answer.

On the one hand, I’m outgoing, I enjoy being around people, I’m a team player who loves collaboration and feedback but I also find large groups and networking to be quite draining and I crave alone time. I do my best work in solitude and find I collaborate most effectively after I’ve had time to gather my thoughts and ideas alone – not during brainstorm sessions.

After reading Susan Cain’s best seller, “The Power of Introverts”, I was convinced – these are my people. Thus, when it comes to my work life I’ve made it pretty clear to anyone who asks, “I am an introvert”, a proud one at that. But at times I have questioned the validity of those personality tests I’d taken. Can’t I, or anyone else for that matter, be a little bit of both?

Imagine my pleasant surprise when I discovered the “forgotten personality type”, the Ambivert. What is an Ambivert? Coined by psychologist Hans Eysenck, ambiverts = balance. They are the healthy medium.  They bridge the gap between the hypersensitivity of some introverts and the overbearing nature of some extroverts.

Via the Wall Street Journal, author Beth Buelow described the typical behaviors of the three personality types.

The Extrovert

  • Energized by external stimulation—with people, environment, activity
  • Processes thoughts while talking
  • Motivated by external rewards, recognition and feedback
  • Outgoing—easy to get to know

The Introvert

  • Energized internally, while being alone
  • Craves solitude to balance out social time
  • Speaks only when they have something to say
  • Thinks before speaking, processing thoughts internally

The Ambivert

  • Socially flexible—comfortable in social situations or being alone
  • Skilled at communicating—intuits when to listen or to talk
  • Moderate in mood—not overly expressive or reserved
  • Adaptable—no default mode, so they change their approach to fit the situation

Do any of these sound familiar to you? Discovering your personality type can be enlightening, even empowering – especially in the workplace.

Throughout your career you will encounter many different people. You’ll work with, manage, and report to people with diverse backgrounds and a variety of personality traits.

Learning how to navigate these differences is just as important as appreciating and respecting your own.

Do recognition and rewards motivate your team? Is there someone on your team who prefers to work in solitude? Are brainstorm sessions energizing your colleagues? Have you asked? Finding out and acting on how you can get the best work from your team is never a bad idea.

As for me, although I am not pledging my allegiance to the ambiverts just yet, I definitely appreciate another option in the personality traits catalogue.

lauren reyes grange

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Ambivert sounds so much better than the other two! I think I will strive to be one instead of an introvert that I have considered myself. Thank you so much for choosing to follow my humble blog! I will enjoy keeping up with yours. Wishing good things to come your way.


    1. I’m an introvert, too and I think us introverts are wonderful but some days I definitely feel slightly more out of my “shell” 🙂 thanks for following. Looking forward to reading more of your posts, too!


  2. Balance is the key to so much. I think we may even go through periods when we are more introverted or extroverted. To be flexible and able to flow into either mode as the need arises, I think, allows for maximum enjoyment of life overall. And thanks, too, for following me. 🙂

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